31 weeks...

This week has been productive. I have been working my buns off to get things going and yet, I am stopped in my tracks to realize that we are - pretty much - halfway through July. This entire pregnancy has flown by and I am feeling a whole lot of feels about it. 

This is 31 weeks...

We are working on baby girls room - yeah, still no name! We've moved some furniture around, we're picking the paint, we bought the dresser... we are well on our way. After much debate, we decided to simplify our - really my - plans for the nursery. I am pretty excited to see how it all comes together. This is  probably one of my favorite parts of pregnancy. I love planning out the nursery. 

And, the extra stressful cherry on top, we found out that there is an issue with our insurance. Apparently, all of our claims for my very expensive medications were never sent to the insurance company. So today, I had to go through and file a claim for each and every perscription over the last two years. Which, led me down a very emotional road. 

During this process, I came across the medications I had to take after having two miscarriages, which stung. Then, on instagram, I came across an account of two different women. One who had just found out that she was pregnant after struggling with infertility and the second who was remembering the two sons she'd lost at 20 weeks gestation. 

Both hit me really hard. 

Our journey to build a family has been a long one. I remember finding out that I was pregnant and crying because "I couldn't lose another baby." With this particular pregnancy, I remember being excited and incredibly nervous, but I still knew that we had a long way to go before any real celebrating could be done. These past 31 weeks have been filled with fear and anxiety, but through it all we've tried to remain positive and hopeful. Each kick, each ultrasound, each positive appointment helped us along and helped us keep our hearts light. 

Even though we've come this far, it is not lost on me how quickly things could go wrong. With my particular autoimmune disorder, things can get particularly more complicated further into the pregnancy. So while we feel like the finish line is in reach, we are well aware of how far we have left to go. 

This week, I feel bigger. It's getting harder and harder to move. Clothing is getting more uncomfortable. I am so exhausted all the time, it is hard to get much done. I have so much to do... I just wish I had my old energy to do it all. I look forward to seeing how these next few weeks go and I am really looking forward to meeting our sweet little girl. 

8 weeks left to go....

How far along: 31 weeks

Gender: GIRL

Sleep: Not great at night, but nap time is amazing! 

Miss anything: Not really

Movement: Tons and I love it

Cravings/Aversions: Still aversions. Nothing ever tastes good or sounds good. I feel like I am craving something but I can't really put my finger on it. Although, Cheesecake Factory White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake just came to mind!!!

Looking forward to: Finishing the baby's room

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