25 weeks

Throughout this pregnancy, time has been playing tricks on me. One minute I feel like I’ve lost a week and the next I feel like it is dragging on. Still, I am a bit shocked that it’s already June. This entire year seems to be flying by. 


Week 25…

This week, I was supposed to be packing for a long stay in California, but that got cancelled. I am kind of bummed. I was looking forward to having more family time and spending some more days at the beach. But, unfortunately, plans changed and Tim won’t be working out there next week. So, we’re trying to figure out what we’re going to do. I may stay for a few extra days while he heads back or we’ll all head back together. 


We’re going to California for the weekend and that means, I’ll get at least a few hours at the beach! My entire life, I have loved being at the beach, but since we moved out here 8 years ago, we’ve gone to the beach maybe two or three times. This time, it feels almost like the beach is a pregnancy symptom. I just want to be there all day every day. I even searched for that kind of sunscreen my dad used to use because it reminds me of the beach. It feels as crazy as it sounds.


Not much has been going on this week. Baby is doing really well, kicking up a storm. We still don’t have a name for her and most discussions end up with us trying to outdo the other with the worst possible name. Tim is pushing hard for Gertrude. Still no serious discussion has happened on baby names.


Part of me thinks we’re both still jaded from everything we’ve experienced. We don’t really have anything for the baby. I’ve bought a few cute outfits, but we don’t really have any clothes for her. I have a few ideas on how I want her room, but we still have not made a move in that department. Every time I go to by something I just tell myself to wait and see how things progress.


Thankfully we have a few of the big baby things that we’ll need. We still have a crib, pack’n’play and highchair. We have some old baby toys and I have a boppy, but no cover. We got rid of all our baby clothes, burp cloths, and all that small stuff. So, I feel like we’re starting all over again. 


I told myself that I would start really getting down to business after we safely hit week 30, so just a few more weeks to go.

How far along: 25 Weeks

Gender: GIRL

Sleep: Not bad

Miss anything: The beach

Movement: Lots of kicks. She is strong. 

Cravings/Aversions:  Still no chicken or burgers, I crave the beach and I always want panera

Looking forward to: Going to the beach

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