Announcing our little girl....

Well. We broke the news. Everyone officially knows that we are having a baby this September. 

Tim was very excited to share the news and I was terrified. I was, quite literally, shaking when we made the calls and sent the texts. 


I know that it doesn’t make much sense, all I can really attribute it to is my natural inclination toward anxiety. Also, I wasn’t sure if it was the right time. I had a prenatal appointment the following week and part of me thought to just wait for that. 


As I thought about telling vs not telling everyone, I thought about Joseph. We had only told immediate family about him, so when we lost him, there were people that I wish had known; people that I wish I could have talked to about him. In the end, I wish the whole world had known him and had known the tremendous loss that we were feeling.


After I lost Joseph, I was showered with nothing but love and support from those who did know. I don’t think I could ever honestly tell those people how much their texts, emails and phone calls helped me survive that. I felt their love. I felt their compassion. I felt their encouragement to go on, to not blame myself and to accept myself.


If we were to lose this baby, having not told anyone, I don’t know how I would survive. I realize so much how important my family and friends are; how much I rely on their love and support. Especially my mom, siblings, in-laws and my two best friends. My family held me up during a tragic time and I could not imagine doing it without them. I really learned how important it is to share our grief and to allow people to be there for us, to share with us; that through this our bonds grow deeper. 


So. Lesson learned. We announced to everyone, especially to those we love the most, our vulnerable news. We were overcome with love and encouragement. Everyone was so excited and happy for us, best of all, many – especially those who know our difficult story – said they would keep us in their prayers. I couldn’t ask for anything more. 

How far along: 22 Weeks

Gender: GIRL

Sleep: Its going alright

Miss anything: The beach

Movement: Lots and lots

Cravings/Aversions:  Still no hamburgers

Looking forward to: Meeting this little one

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