Two Month Birthday

I cannot believe how fast time has gone by....before I know it I'll be preparing myself to send Zack off to college.

Here is Zack's two month update...


  • 9 pounds 15 ounces - 


  • 22 and 3/4 inches long


  • Work in progress - Everyday it seems like we get a little bit closer to the perfect combination of naps, bedtime routine and bedtime. I am confident that we will eventually get there!!! He is sleeping between 5 to 7 hours at night, which is glorious. His naps are hit and miss. I think he is worried that he's going to miss something during the day, even though I assure him that nothing is happening.  


  • 3 ounces of breast milk - He is still eating 3 ounces, at least when he gets a bottle. Nursing is going wonderfully. We have mastered just about every nursing position and he latches without a problem. He's a champ!!! I'm still not comfortable nursing in public but I am slowly trying by nursing around friends and family.....with the titty tarp of course. 

Special Outings

  • Delp & Mikki's Rehearsal Lunch - Tim was the best man in his best friend's wedding, so we headed back to California for Mother's Day weekend. Zack got to meet a lot of our friends and of course got to snuggle lots of Aunties, Uncles and Cousins.  
  • Bowling - A few of us got together to celebrate Mother's Day and what better way than bowling??? I love bowling!!! It was a great time and of course Zack got more snuggles. 
  • Prescott, Arizona - This weekend we headed to Prescott, Arizona for the day. We had a great time walking around the cute little town. We had an awesome lunch - try the Hot Turkey Club at the Grille, it's AMAZING - and of course stopped for some ice cream. We hit a few breweries in between and even tried Mead - not my thing! Zack was a champ and sleept a majority of the time.


  • Found his tongue and is well on his way to finding those hands and feeties
  • Smiles
  • Makes eye contact and follows people/things with his eyes

Zack's Favorites

  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Pooping
  • He loves his lion paci (courtesy of Uncle Kevie)
  • He loves the ceiling fan/lights
  • He loves his mobile
  • He loves his changing table
  • He loves his puppies


The biggest highlight has been his smiles and watching how well he is doing. Things have gotten much easier and we seem to be settling more and more into our new normal.

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