Eggplant; Week 27

This was another rough week. I spent most of my time just sitting or laying down. I have learned to half ass mothering by using such tools as the IPad and DisneyJr. ..... and maybe a couple cookies here and there.

I am exhausted and have cried to Tim (more times than I can count) that I just want to be done with this pregnancy....

All week I have been having contractions. I'm 95% sure that they are just Braxton Hicks but they still suck. I have had such pressure in my lower belly that I don't even want to stand up. I can't even stand long enough to unload the dishwasher. Plus, I am HUGE! My belly is about 100 times bigger than it was when I was pregnant with Zack. I have dropped about 15 pounds since I got pregnant and have since only gained back 1 pound. Guess it is just how my body works. But I still feel so dang huge.

This past weekend we decided on a name for our little guy - Nicholas Edward.

We've been asked, by just about everyone, who we are naming him after and the answer one! Well, not intently really. When this name combo came up, my mom mentioned that she had a relative named Edward Nicholas. So, there is that. We both liked Edward but not for a first name. Jacob/Jake was the other first name contender but I feel like Nicholas is the right name. My biggest criteria for naming is that a Saint's name is included. We nailed it with both.

Earlier today I had another prenatal appointment and ultrasound. Nick is looking great and so far he is growing right on point. However, that placenta is still being a pain in the bottom. The ultrasound Tech found some more issues today but we won't know for sure until we go back to see the specialist. Hopefully it will be nothing.

My midwife also wants to get the specialist's opinion on if it would be safe for me to labor. From her perspective, it will be a very complicated labor and delivery due to the umbilical cord. Normally they tug a bit on the cord to help get the placenta out, but with the cord being attached so poorly, they won't be able to do that. Which presents the risk of it not coming out, not coming out whole, etc. Plus, they are worried about the stress that it will have on the baby during contractions. So, having a c-section is a possibility.

We are almost in the third trimester, which means that soon we will start to see what real effects these issues will have on him. We discussed the possibility of having an Emergency C-Section if he is starting to show signs of not growing. So.....another uplifting doctors appointment!!!!

All in all, spirits are high. Nick is constantly kicking and I take that as a good sign. Zack is doing great and has recently started counting his fingers. He has also started saying "yellow" which is hilarious! Tim is busy at work, which is normal for this time of year.

We just have to get through these next few weeks.....

How far along: 27 Weeks
Gender: BOY
Stretch marks: None
Belly button in or out: Still slowly popping out
Sleep: This week has been crappy
Best moment this week: Naming Baby Boy
Miss anything: Feeling like myself
Movement: Lots and lots
Cravings: Hot Dogs
Queasy or sick: Feeling good
Looking forward to: Seeing my family..... I miss them

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