Happy 9 Month Birthday

These last couple weeks have been pretty overwhelming and just plain crappy. There is really no other way to put it..... These past few weeks have also flow by in a flash and I woke up this morning and realized that our little guy is 9 months old!!!

During these rough times, our little man has brought us so much love and joy. Just as I begin to question humanity, I see his sweet smiling face and it brings me hope for the future....

Here is an update on our 9 month old lil guy...

  • No Idea - Ugh! I have no idea how much he weighs and getting the scale out and weighing him seems like far too much effort for today. I'll update as soon as I have the energy to weigh him or after his 9 month well visit .... whichever comes first .... by the way, I have no idea when I scheduled his well visit. It's a doctor visit gamble. I'm livin on the edge! 
  • 26 3/4 inches long - Yeah... lets go with that... This is how long he was at his last Doctor's visit. I have no idea when that was..... I think I might be losing my mind. Anyway, I'll update this sooner or later!!!
  • Who Knows?!?!? - I have no idea what is happening in this house!!! The last few nights we have been putting him through sleep bootcamp and making him figure it out. He wakes up out of habit and this week we've nipped it in the bud...butt?... whatever. Anyway, so we are now down to only one night feeding. I don't mind. I've always enjoyed this feeding. Although, I think I should cut it off soon. This kid shows no sign of self weening and I have no clue what I'm doing, so we'll see were this goes.... I'm really just winging this whole parenting thing. 
  • Exact Amount Unknown - I am still exclusively nursing. Zack is still exclusively refusing the bottle. I am still at a complete loss for how to fix this or if I even need to fix this. I have been far too occupied with recent events, holidays and getting rid of this cold to read up on the subject. 
  • Solids - After a dinner with my sister, who proceeded to give Zack just about everything on her plate, I have become much more adventurous with his feeding. I made some plain noodles for him - which he loves. He still isn't into banana unless it is in gerber form, which could be a blessing considering Babies eating bananas really freaks me out. Basically, if I'm eating it, I give Zack a little. Unless it is completely unhealthy...then he just sticks to his own dinner. I have not tried to give him meat yet... well, I gave him a small piece of ground beef. He was into it. 
Special Outings
  • We made two more trips to California
  • We went to see Christmas Lights at Tom's Farms
  • He is finally sitting up all by himself. We have moments where he just falls over but for the most part, his balance is on point.
  • He has moved out of his infant carseat and into his big boy one. I held out as long as I could with the baby carrier - it just makes life so much easier. 
  • Throws things out of his carseat/stroller/crib/highchair....yup. Still doing this, just with more force.
  • Talks non stop - Tim still thinks he is saying "Dada" but after some recon, I'm pretty sure he's saying "Dog Dog"
  • He STILL refuses to crawl!
  • He is trying to pull up and pushes up with his legs constantly
Zack's Favorites
  • He loves to eat
  • He loves to take baths
  • He loves the Christmas tree. He keeps trying to grab the ornaments
  • He loves story time
  • He loves Mickey Mouse and laughs when he sees him; he even tries to talk back to them
  • He loves his football lovie
  • He loves going on walks and being outside
  • And as usual, he loves eating, sleeping &pooping

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