Let the count down begin....

Today we officially kick off the third trimester!!! 

I am so excited that we're here. Like so excited! 

Today I had another prenatal appointment and an ultrasound. I love every chance I get to see and hear that little heartbeat. She was wiggling around before the ultrasound, which gave me some relief. She is already head down and she is growing right on track. Her heartbeat was perfect, her size is perfect, she is just perfect. I am so happy and excited. 

My mom is planning a baby shower for me, which would normally make me anxious, but after everything we've experienced these last two years, I am completely elated to be celebrating this baby girl. Like I can't wait to talk about her and celebrate her. Plus, my mom assured me it would be laid back and it's co-ed, so I'll have Tim with me. I'm excited about it. 

We are still dealing with the California thing. They had offered Tim a transfer to So Cal, which he turned down, but they are back. They really want him to make the move. So, adding to all the stress, this is back on the table. 

For now, I am looking forward to life getting back to normal. I am hoping that we can spend most of July in our own home. I am looking forward to decorating baby girls room. I am looking forward to getting the boys all ready to start school. 

11 weeks left.....

How far along: 28 Weeks

Gender: GIRL

Sleep: Not great

Miss anything: Home

Movement: Lots and lots

Cravings/Aversions:  Still no hamburgers and now, I don't even want chicken

Looking forward to: Life getting back to normal

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