We have a heartbeat

We have safely arrived at 9 weeks....

Today I had my first official prenatal appointment and the very first look at our new baby. I am thrilled that everything looked great and the baby is measuring exactly at 9 weeks!!! The baby had a very fast and strong heartbeat of 184 bpm. Which is incredibly encouraging. 

Tim and I had previously discussed genetic testing, but always opted out. Since losing Joseph, we decided that we would do it if we got far enough along in the process - as long as it was non-invasive. So, I agreed to the bloodwork and the ultrasound. We just want to see what if anything this information could tell us as to why we've had other losses. 

I am still sticking myself every single day with a painful needle - yes I mean painful. Those blood thinners really leave their mark. I have to psych myself up before giving myself the shot. Last night, I took my shot out and set it on the counter. I just looked at Tim and said "only 31 more weeks of this." I can't wear jeans comfortably, mostly because of the bruises and the after effect is a stinging pain that lasts at least 15 minutes. 

I am feeling a little more confident in this pregnancy. Especially after seeing the baby measure at 9 weeks and such a great heart beat. I have moments of complete fear, but I remind myself that I can only control what I can control....and this is not something I can control. 

I know that we will be ok, no matter how this turns out. We will be ok because there is no other option. I know that we will be ok because we are resilient. 

but still.....if you find a minute....please keep us in your prayers....

How far along: 9 Weeks
Gender: Unknown - but we might know soon when they do the bloodwork
Sleep: Still sleeping really well
Miss anything: Not really
Movement: Nothing yet
Cravings/Aversions:  Everything
Looking forward to: Holding a beautiful baby at the end of all of this

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