Happy Six Months Nicholas
I want to cry...my baby is already 6 months old. It's going by so fast. We have already put away some of the baby baby things - like the swing, rocker, co-sleeper. I find that I am much more aware of my days with Nicholas. I am really trying to soak it all up and appreciate it as much as possible.
Well, here is how our big six month old is doing ...

Nick is a sweetheart. He really likes to take people in, so don't be surprised if he just stares at you for a few minutes. He eventually breaks and just laughs and smiles nonstop. He loves to touch my face. He always puts his hands on my cheeks and pulls my head so that we're touching foreheads. He does not cry very much or very often. He loves to eat (obviously) and he is very content wherever we put him. He has very strong legs and likes to stand up whenever we can (he needs assistance). He likes to sit up but falls over still. He is such a love.
Well, here is how our big six month old is doing ...
- 18 pounds 11 ounces - I am a little bit in disbelief at how big Nicholas is getting. He is (just about) three pounds heavier than Zachary was at six months. I know I shouldn't but I sometimes wonder if Zachary is small because of all the feeding trouble we had in the beginning. My pediatrician assures me that it will all shake out, but there is a bit of mom guilt there. Especially when I see how big Nicholas is getting.
- 28 3/4 inches long - People always seem shocked when I tell them that Nicholas is only six months old. He is so long. They say he looks like a solid nine month old....I don't buy it!
- Like a Champ! - At the risk of jinxing myself, I will tell you how well he is sleeping! It all started one night when Tim was working. I was up to my eyeballs and completely frustrated, so I let him cry. Within ten or fifteen minutes, he was out for the night. Since then, he has been a champ. He goes to bed around 7pm and sleeps till about 2am, we feed him and he goes back to bed until 7am...8am if I'm lucky. He is also great with his naps. I am not counting on it staying this way. If I recall, once you feel like you've got sleep down, they decide to just change it up.
- Breast milk and some solids - He is still eating about 5 or 6 ounces of breastmilk. He is now eating oatmeal in the mornings and some fruit or veggies at dinner. So far he loves peaches, prunes (yuck!), squash and carrots. He did not care for the green beans.
- He loves to cuddle
- He loves to sing, laugh and talk
- He loves big brother
- He loves his playmat - like soooo much!
- He loves to look at the trees when we take our walks
- He loves his rattle
- He loves his aquarium
- He loves the door jumper and has figured it out pretty quick
- He loves his Winnie the Pooh teddy bear
- He loves his daddy and is just in awe of him the second he sees him

Nick is a sweetheart. He really likes to take people in, so don't be surprised if he just stares at you for a few minutes. He eventually breaks and just laughs and smiles nonstop. He loves to touch my face. He always puts his hands on my cheeks and pulls my head so that we're touching foreheads. He does not cry very much or very often. He loves to eat (obviously) and he is very content wherever we put him. He has very strong legs and likes to stand up whenever we can (he needs assistance). He likes to sit up but falls over still. He is such a love.