Happy Four Months Nicholas

I know, I am so late with posting this. I started writing on Sunday night and have worked on it all week as I've had time. This week I have dealt with epic tantrums, a baby that sleeps like crap, a broken dryer, a broken garage door, cable bill issues followed by cable outage and all on about an hour and a half of sleep a night.

Anyway, July is here and our little Nicholas is 4 months old....

  • 15 pounds 2 ounces - Our big guy is getting bigger each day. His little thighs are getting chunky and so adorable. 
  • 26 inches long - Yup, another guesstimate... We have our 4month well visit next week, so we will get measured properly. 
  • Improving - Things are slowly improving. We had three or four really great days where Nick slept right on schedule but these past few days we are back in a chaotic mess. I have had about an hour of sleep the past three days. I am praying this is just a shot phase. 
  • 5 ounces of breast milk - We are still nursing and still struggling to get the supply back up. Every day I feel like it will be my last with nursing. I just don't have the supply....or at least I don't feel like I do. Every time I nurse, I can get Nick to latch for a bit but within a few minutes he gets sort of fussy, which makes me think he is getting frustrated that there isn't enough. Oh well. I guess only time will tell. 
  • Rollie Pollie - Nick is officially rolling over from tummy to back. He's been doing it with some assistance (we'd tuck his arm for him) for a couple weeks, but now he is doing it all on his own. It is bittersweet for me. I love watching him hit this milestone but I also know that this is the first step toward walking....which means my days of setting him down and him staying put are limited. 
Nick's Favorites
  • He loves his swing
  • He loves to cuddle
  • He loves to sing, laugh and talk 
  • He loves big brother
  • He loves his playmat
  • He loves to look at the trees when we take our walks
  • He loves his rattle
  • He loves his aquarium 


Life has been busy, but it's hard to say with what. I feel like everything that is keeping us busy is just the day to day of raising the boys and any spare time we get is spent catching up on sleep.

I hoped to write more but Nick is awake now and Zack, aka my little hurricane, is currently trying to ride the dog. So I must be off, but I have high hopes of writing another post soon.

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