Happy Two Months Nicholas
I really cannot believe how quickly time is going by. I am excited to watch Nick grow and see him become more and more interested in the world around him. The best part is watching Zack warm up to him. He is so gentle with his brother. I hope they have a good relationship.
The past two weeks have been rough. Tim has had to work a lot, so I have been doing the whole parenting thing on my own. Plus, everyone has been sick with some sort of bug that left everyone with a fever and upset tummy. It has been exhausting. I am still running a fever and I am starting to think its not from the mastitis.
Other then that, things have gone really well. Zack is starting to warm up to Nick. He likes to say "Hi" to him every chance he gets and likes to explain things to Nick. If we make silly noises to make Nick smile, Zack runs up and does it too. He lets Nick hold his cars - except Lightening McQueen. No one gets to touch McQueen!
We have also successfully eliminated the paci - for Zack. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. One day, I just put him down without it. I didn't say anything about it and neither did he. The next two days were a little more difficult. I could hear him crying at nap saying "Mama please. Paci please." It was breaking my heart. But in the end I stood my ground and we've been paci free for about three weeks now.
- 12 pounds 2 ounces - He is growing so fast. He is in-between clothing sizes right now. He can still squeeze into a few Newborn/0-3 month outfits and when I put him into 3 month clothes they are quite baggy on him. I think his initial weight boom in the first month was due to all the formula they were pumping. He is now exclusively on breastmilk and has slowed down on how much/how often he eats.
- 22 and 3/4 inches long - This is just my guesstimate. I tried measuring him, but he kept squirming around and Zack kept pushing the measuring tape. We have a doctor's appointment soon, so we'll know for sure soon enough.
- Great - Nick loves him some sleep. He loves to sleep on his tummy. There are times that I wake up (on my own) to feed Nick and he is still fast asleep. A few times, I have been so sure that he was going to wake up any minute, so I started doing chores around the house. An hour and a half later he is still asleep. I would say that on average we get about a 7 hour stretch out of him.
- 4.5 ounces of breast milk - He still loves to eat. He seems to have upped his intake just a bit but it isn't consistent. Nursing has been going well at least until I got mastitis. Last Friday I found myself with a fever of 104 and shivering non stop. I knew right away what it was but it was too late to get in to see the doctor. Tim took me (and the boys) to urgent care. I got a shot of antibiotics in the rear (really the upper hip) to "jump start" the meds. That shot hurt so bad and the area where they gave it to me still hurts.
- Smiles - Nick gives big smiles now. They still take awhile for him to figure out how to give them, but when he does they are non stop
- Holding his head up - His neck is getting stronger every day.
- Looks for us - He especially loves to look at big brother
- Eating, sleeping
- He loves to have his arms and legs free
- He loves to cuddle
- He enjoys tummy time
- He loves big brother
- He loves his playmat
The past two weeks have been rough. Tim has had to work a lot, so I have been doing the whole parenting thing on my own. Plus, everyone has been sick with some sort of bug that left everyone with a fever and upset tummy. It has been exhausting. I am still running a fever and I am starting to think its not from the mastitis.
Other then that, things have gone really well. Zack is starting to warm up to Nick. He likes to say "Hi" to him every chance he gets and likes to explain things to Nick. If we make silly noises to make Nick smile, Zack runs up and does it too. He lets Nick hold his cars - except Lightening McQueen. No one gets to touch McQueen!
We have also successfully eliminated the paci - for Zack. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. One day, I just put him down without it. I didn't say anything about it and neither did he. The next two days were a little more difficult. I could hear him crying at nap saying "Mama please. Paci please." It was breaking my heart. But in the end I stood my ground and we've been paci free for about three weeks now.