Palm of my hand; Week 17

Things are going good around here. Zack is talking a mile a minute and making connections every day. It seems like every time I turn around he is saying something new or singing a little song. He still makes time for giving me hugs and kisses throughout the day. He is such a sweetheart.

Baby boy number two is doing well too. He is now the size of the palm of my hand and weighs about 5 or so ounces. He is practicing how to suck and swallow so that he is ready to eat when we meet in a few months. The other day I felt the little flutters of his movement and it somehow made this pregnancy more real to me.

Its funny because I was thinking the other day about the things I did with Zack when he was a baby and I couldn't remember anything. Suddenly I felt like I knew nothing about being a mom to a newborn. I mean, how did I get him to sleep through the night or how did I get him on a schedule? I have no clue. I can tell you what I do with an 18 month old Zack, but newborn???? No clue.

Instead of letting it get to me, I remind myself that I had no idea what I was doing when Zack was born and look at us now. He's well feed, sleeps through the night, has minimal tantrums, and, my favorite part, he's a very happy little boy. So....I am confident that I'll figure it all out...again.

How far along: 17 Weeks
Gender: BOY
Stretch marks: None
Belly button in or out: Still in
Sleep: Decent
Best moment this week: Hearing baby's heartbeat
Miss anything: Hot dogs
Movement: Lots! This little guy flutters around all day
Cravings: My cravings have really slowed down. I'm not craving much.
Queasy or sick: Same sick self
Looking forward to:   Bedtime

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