Happy First Birthday
Happy First Birthday to our sweet little boy! I cannot believe how far we've come in a year.....
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MARCH 17, 2015 8 POUNDS 21.5 INCHES LONG |
MARCH 17, 2016 20 POUNDS 10 OUNCES 29.75 INCHES LONG |
- We aren't certain how long he actually is since his 11 month well visit was longer then his 12 month well visit. So either he shrank or someone didn't measure him correctly. I'm sure I'll measure him sooner or later....thats a lie, I probably won't measure him....I'll just wait till next visit. Instead I'll use that free time to read a book or take a shower....or maybe just nap.
- I don't even know if this is something to write about anymore. He sleeps good these days. He takes two naps and goes to bed at 7:30pm. He sleeps in the cutest way - knees tucked under and butt in the air.
- I am still nursing. It seems that every single time I start to wean him, something happens. I had decided to wean him after talking to his doctor, but I wasn't aware that he was going to get vaccines that day so I decided to wait a few days. Then he started teething and he was in a lot of pain. And now he's sick....soooo weaning isn't going too great. I am still working on it. I am doing the whole "don't offer; don't refuse" thing and we've drop a few unnecessary feedings. I'm not going to lie, weaning is hard to do, especially since I'm at stay at home mom. There is no break for us. He smells the milk, he wants the milk. He will not take a bottle or sippy cup from me no matter what is in it. I think we're gonna have to go cold turkey on this. I think our next trip to California will help with this since we'll be so busy and I'll have time away. So Zack will have no choice but to drink whatever papa gives him.
- Solids - We still give Zack whatever we are having and it is working out pretty great. I used to give him gerber baby food because I had no idea what I was doing and I wanted to make sure he was getting enough - what better way than prepackaged portion controlled containers, am I right?!?!? Well, it got us through and now I have learned so much....specifically not to be afraid of feeding him different things. We still use some squeeze packet baby foods for when we are on the road but otherwise he eats what we are having.
- He is starting to do a crab crawl like his cousins used to but still no real crawling
- He stands well and is starting to stand by himself
- He is pulling up on every and anything he can find
- He will walk with you if you hold his hands
- He has TWO teeth with two more breaking through any day now
- He talks so much. His pediatrician said that she could decipher about 8 words from her time with him. He (allegedly) says Dada, Mama, Dog, Hi, Yes, Up, Down and Clap - while I'd love to say that he says all of this - which I'm sure he's trying to say these things - the only one's we've really heard are Dada, Mama, Dog (all the time!), Hi, Yes and Down
- We are well on our way to being completely paci free. He now only has his paci at nap and bed time.
- He loves to take baths
- He loves story time
- He loves Mickey Mouse and laughs when he sees him; he even tries to talk back to him
- He loves Sherif Calle
- He loves taking selfies or seeing himself in the mirror
- He loves going on walks and being outside
- He loves balloons
- He loves macaroni and cheese, yogurt, cheese, apples, strawberries, chicken, squash and sweet potatoes
- He LOVES his puppies and gives them hugs & kisses
- He loves his sunglasses
- And as usual, he loves eating, sleeping & pooping