Five Month Birthday
My sweet boy is growing up so fast....he's learning so many new things and I just love watching him play and giggle. He is such a sweet baby and I can't get enough of him.
Here is Zack's 5 month update....
- 14 pounds 11 ounces - It's been a month since we've seen the doctor and we don't go in for his 4 month check up until the end of this week (long story) so I don't really know how his weight is doing. If you ask me, I think he's doing good. He eats well, sleeps well, gives plenty of wet and dirty diapers, he gives tears when he I think those are all good signs. I am hoping that at his next appointment they well be all good with his weight.
- 24 3/4 inches long - I don't think this is accurate since this is how long he was at his last doctor's appointment back in July
- Pretty Good - Somewhere, somehow, we hit our stride and have found a great bedtime/nap time routine. It really just sort of fell into place. For his naps, we close the shutters in his room and say "good ni ni" to the sunshine, then I just lay him down in his crib, give him his lovey and paci - then he does the rest. It's amazing. Bedtime is pretty easy too. When Tim comes home from work, he gives Zack a bath, I do jammies and lotion, then Tim gives him a bottle and then we do prayers and bed. Again, we lay him down and he does the rest. At night he tends to sleep 7 hour stretches, but these last two days he's been waking up more often.
- 4 to 4.5 ounces of breast milk - sometimes he'll do 5 ounces
Special Outings
- We took a day trip up to Payson, Arizona
- We took a trip to California to celebrate mommy's birthday
- He is officially swaddle free!!!
- Chats up a storm
- Splashes in the tub
- Is soooo close to rolling over
- Can put his own paci in and take it out
Zack's Favorites
- He loves to chit chat and doesn't stop
- He loves his dada and lights up when he comes in the room
- He loves his puppis and giggles at them when he sees them
- He loves his crib and enjoys just quietly laying in there
- He loves his changing table - it is seriously his favorite spot
- He still loves to look at ceiling fans/lights
- He loves watching his mobile
- He loves his high chair
- He loves bath time
- And as usual, he loves eating, sleeping & pooping
He rolled over a few weeks ago and I was so excited. I think I may have scared him with how excited I got. I ran for the camera to video whatever it was that would happen next and as I turned back around he was rolling back onto his back. So I missed both. I was still excited though and I was positive that since he'd done it once that he'd be rollin all around. But he hasn't done it since. He gets really really close but just not enough.
All in all, everything around here is going great. I am doing better and better with each day. We finally seem to be getting some sleep and we have a pretty good routine carved out. I just can't believe that he is 5 months old already. It really does go by so so so so so fast.
All in all, everything around here is going great. I am doing better and better with each day. We finally seem to be getting some sleep and we have a pretty good routine carved out. I just can't believe that he is 5 months old already. It really does go by so so so so so fast.